We specialize in developing strategies utilizing areas of free commerce. This operating knowledge, unknown to the majority of companies, allows us to provide your business, and your customers with a significant competitive advantage.
We offer you a custom strategic design which will allow you to grow your North, South, and Central American business exponentially, operating through Zonamerica Free Trade Zone, in Montevideo, Uruguay, and Colón Free Trade Zone in, Colón, Panama
We base this design on four focus areas:
Strategic Product Storage, and Distribution
We understand the products your company produces, or commercializes travel long distances to reach your clients since every order must go through processing, packaging, and shipping, which creates a lengthy lead time until your client finds these items at his location. On the other hand, your client cannot maintain a high inventory in his power due to the elevated costs this represents, therefore locking you in place with your current operation
To counteract this issue, we offer a strategic low-cost logistic location that allows you to have your products in close proximity to your clients, without increasing your, or their costs, and obtaining an additional economic advantage in the process
Zonas Libre
de Comercio
Soluciones Logísticas puerta a puerta
Elaboramos una solución innovadora a la medida de su necesidad, coordinamos el retiro de sus mercaderías en el exterior, las trasladamos hacia los puertos o aeropuertos mas convenientes, nos ocupamos de su transporte rápido y seguro y nos ocupamos de todo lo necesario para su llegada al destino final con una total trazabilidad de cada instancia
Estrategia de diseño, procesos y desarrollo de Operaciones Logísticas eficientes
Consideramos todos los puntos fuertes de su empresa y le vamos a ofrecer una solución que será una ventaja competitiva poderosa, asegurándole una mayor efectividad operacional, a través de procesos que le brindaran resultados sostenibles en el tiempo
Technical Service Support
We offer a Technical Service Team with Industry Certifications to repair your Customer’s equipment, in addition to administrate, and apply Vendor’s warranty system